Circles NWA is a community-driven program that works to increase upward mobility for individuals and families in poverty in Northwest Arkansas. Based on the national Circles®USA model, the Circles program builds intentional relationships (social capital) across socioeconomic lines that help open up long-term pathways for economic mobility and self sufficiency.

Circles Reduces Poverty

Circles is about building intentional relationships across income lines. While middle-income and high-income families enjoy networks of support through their jobs, schools, and neighborhoods, families living in poverty rarely develop such contacts. Many who live in poverty are hardworking and motivated. When a circle of support forms around them, advice is offered, contacts are shared, and the fears that keep people in poverty start to disappear.

If you are interested in working with Circles NWA, please email Emily Gilbertson at with your interest and your CV/Resume.

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